Safety | Integrity | Inclusivity | Excellence


Academic Success

The House that Academia Built

Whether you need face-to-face time with a tutor, a quiet place to study or computer access, you can find it here. The best part – it is all only a few steps away from your doorstep.


Academic Resource Center

The Student Housing Academic Resource Center (SHARC) is a centralized go-to location for academic resources and is available to residents. During examination periods, Residential Education will offer de-Stress events based out of this location where they can find a leisure study space, crafts, and some supplies such as scantrons and Blue Books. This is a great location where students can study throughout the year!

Student Housing Academic Resource Center (SHARC)
Pentland Hills Bldg. A, Room 104

Hone Your Skills!

Academic programs offered throughout the year include:

  • Study skills
  • Career Development Opportunities
  • Meet & Greets with Campus Resources
  • Alumni Support
  • Finals stress management
  • Applying to grad school
  • College paper writing
  • Academic Identity Development

In-Hall Tutoring and Study Groups

Get the help you need right where you live. Tutors and study group leaders visit Residence Halls to provide academic support. These upper-division students work with professors and are experienced with lower-division courses. Meeting times and locations are posted in the halls. Topics covered include math, chemistry, biology, and physics.

*Student will sign up for these services via Email Tutoring Announcements


Professors as neighbors? That’s right. Faculty members live and work in the Residence Halls. Find our Faculty-In-Residence lunching and holding study groups inside Residential Restaurants.

Faculty-In-Residence also:

  • Answer questions
  • Provide feedback
  • Hold office hours
  • Team up with staff to organize programs

For upcoming faculty-led events, contact Residential Education for more information at

Computer Labs and Print Quotas

Computer Labs

Computer lab access is available to all residents. For printing homework and papers, each resident receives a print quota for the year. Find the closest computer lab to you. 


Living-Learning Communities

Living-Learning Communities banner

Spend a year immersed in your academic field with peers and mentors. Choose a Living-Learning Community to connect and excel! Learn more about finding the right Living-Learning Community for you.

Leadership Opportunities  


Resident Associations

Gain leadership experience and grow as an individual – and have fun doing it! Resident Associations are student-run organizations and the voice of the residents. Learn how to get involved with your Resident Association.

More than 800 Student Jobs

And that's in Housing and Dining alone! Learn more about residential community jobs, and get paid while you go to school!