Safety | Integrity | Inclusivity | Excellence


Residential Education

UCR Residential Education is committed to the development of a safe, inclusive, living and learning community; which holistically fosters academic, social, cultural, and personal growth.

Residential Education Inclusion Statement

UCR Department of Residential Education works diligently to validate the experiences and presence of all people. We recognize that our community members have an array of knowledge and experiences, which contribute to the development of individuals within our department, residential communities, and the campus as a whole. We encourage every community member to educate themselves on these differences, through engagement in our various programs and practices.

We are committed to fostering an environment that is aligned with the UCR Principles of Community, which encourages critical thought and conversations on topics of diversity, inclusion, and social justice. Through this we strive to create inclusive, safe, and uplifting communities for students, staff, and faculty by incorporating practices that challenge outdated perspectives on diversity, inclusion, and social justice. We seek to create a space where each community member feels they can be their authentic self by validating their lived experiences and intersectional identities while empowering them to live their truth.

Find Employment & Leadership Opportunities

We have a wide variety of jobs and several volunteer-leadership positions available to students.

Find Leadership

Job Opportunities

Student jobs within Residential Education are part-time, stipend or hourly paid positions. Positions are located within all Residential communities.

Jobs with Residential Education offer:

  • Convenience- Live where you work
  • Professional development
  • Supportive team environment
  • Life-long relationships
  • Competitive compensation

Join the Team!

Apply for a Student Job
For student positions, please log in to Handshake to start your job search.

Residential Education Goals & Learnings Outcomes

  • Promote Vital Transitional Skills for Students
    • Residential students will be able to apply techniques to adjust to various transitions that take place throughout their educational career at UCR.
    • Residential students will be able to employ critical thinking skills to challenge societal norms within and outside the University setting.
  • Promote Individual Student Learning, Development, and Engagement
    • Residential students will be able to identify various leadership and involvement opportunities provided where they live and on-campus.
    • Residential students will be able to explore their current personal construct and optimize their experience to create a well-rounded individual.
    • Residential students will be able to apply the social skills developed while living on-campus to interactions/experiences outside of the University.
    • Residential Education staff will be able to display relevant mentoring techniques with one another and residential students.
  • Promote an Environment Focused on Transparency
    • Residential Education staff will be able to articulate goals, programs, and initiatives (regardless of involvement) to internal and external customers.
    • Residential Education staff will be able to illustrate purposeful communication techniques (both written and verbal) that is timely and succinct in nature.
  • Promote a Living and Learning Environment Focused on Care and Safety
    • Residential students will be able to equate living on campus with a safe, healthy, and learning conducive environment.
    • Residential Education staff will be able to advocate for students needs and concerns through intentional personal interactions.
  • Promote Individual Student Identity Development and Social Justice Practices
    • Residential students will be able to explore their personal identity, perspective, and development.
    • Residential students will be able to engage in ally behavior towards and for students of “target” identities.
  • Promote Collaborative Relationships with Faculty, Staff, and Departments
    • Residential Education staff will be able to implement meaningful and collaborative relationships with outside departments to ensure quality initiatives and programming.
    • Residential students will be able to engage in intentional interactions with faculty within the residential community and identify academic resources; leading to higher GPAs.
  • Promote an Atmosphere That Strives to be the Best Practice
    • Residential Education staff will be able to annually re-evaluate initiatives and programs to continue current partnerships and build new ones.
    • Residential Education will be able to adapt and improve upon national best practices and high-impact practices to meet the needs of the UCR student.
  • Promote Professional Involvement and Development for Career Staff
    • Residential Education career staff will be able to develop annual professional development plans to assist with personal and professional progression to meet their desired next step.
    • Residential Education career staff will be able to engage in regional and national committees and/or conferences.
Highlighting solution

Academic Resources

To buckle down and get a grip on coursework, take advantage of free academic resources, including tutoring, workshops and study groups.

Start Studying 

Woman laughing

Health & Wellness

University life is fast-paced and full of demands. There’s no time to feel rundown. Learn five tips to stay on top of your health.

Stay Healthy 

Roommates with their key

Roommate Resources

Giving your roommate the evil eye won’t fix things – neither will complaining about them behind their back. Solve common roommate problems with four effective communication tips.


Tree dutch angle shoot


Save up to 1,000 gallons of water every year by altering three simple behaviors.


Quiet Hours

Quiet Hours are those times when noise will not be tolerated. Quiet Hours are in effect as follows, with the exception of finals week*:

Sunday, 10:00pm – Monday, 8:00am
Monday, 10:00pm – Tuesday, 8:00am
Tuesday, 10:00pm – Wednesday, 8:00am
Wednesday, 10:00pm – Thursday, 8:00am
Thursday, 10:00pm – Friday, 8:00am
Saturday, 1:00am – Saturday, 10:00am
Sunday, 1:00am – Sunday, 10:00am

*24/7 during finals week.